Want to know what your RV Park is worth?

Get a free analysis

  • Tired of dealing with RV Park tenants?

  • Are you ready to retire?

  • Looking to make money off your park and move on?

  • Tired of managing employees?

NO PRESSURE: The analysis is free and no obligation to you.

QUICK AND EASY: We can gather everything we need in a 15 minute phone call.

We can work with you to provide a comprehensive analysis of your RV Park business including a suggested asking price based on the strengths of your specific property and

your unique real estate market.

We start with a quick 15-minute consultation and gather the basic information about your RV park.


STEP 1: 15 Minute Consultation

We start with a quick 15-minute consultation and gather the basic information about your RV park. Things like:

•Number of spaces

• Average monthly rents

• What amenities do you provide?

• How many employees do you have?

STEP 2: We Do a Complete Analysis

Our experts will do a deep market analysis, diving into pricing, rents, occupancy rates and more. We will analyze your park business based on the strengths of your specific property and your unique real estate market.

STEP 3: We Give you a Free Comprehensive Report

We will even give you personalized recommendations on how
to best position your property for maximum sale price. We will also give you personalized recommendations on how to best position your property for maximum sale price.

STEP 4: Get a no-pressure "Buy it Now" offer

We have a list of buyers who can provide an offer in the event you would prefer an easy sale as opposed to the traditional listing process that could take 6 months to a full year.


Our goal is to make it as easy for you to get offers on your RV Park.



Commercial Real Estate Lenders are closing their doors all around the country.

While The Federal Reserve is working diligently to correct present record levels of inflation, many park owners may come to realize (too late) that rising interest rates mean lower commercial real estate valuations.

The higher the interest rate, the less buyers can pay for your park.

With rising interest rates, a buyer that could pay $5 Million at the beginning of the year may only able to pay about $4 Million today; and the pool of qualified buyers that could have received a commercial real estate loan has shrunk by 30% since 2021!

So complete the form below and one of our professional analysts can help you learn all of your options and capitalize on the efforts of all of your years of hard work.

As a bonus, we have a list of buyers that can give you a no-pressure cash offer for your park if you would prefer a quick and easy sale. That’s a lot easier than spending a year dealing with Real Estate Agents, high commissions, people digging through your financials and tax returns, and endless property tours with boot-kickers.




How does this work?

We provide a free analysis of your RV Park business. If after receiving your analysis, you have an interest of selling, we can put you in touch with our list of buyers that may be interested in making you an offer. These buyers are real estate investors that buy RV Parks anywhere in Texas, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and Louisiana. Simply complete our online property assessment or call us and we will provide you with a free analysis.

If you would like to receive a written offer for your property, we will request that our buyers provide you one within 10 business days. If you agree to an offer, we will facilitate the closing, handle all of the paperwork, and our buyers will pay all of the closing fees. Our buyers can usually close within 4 - 6 weeks of receiving a signed purchase agreement. It doesn't get much easier than that.

Are you going to list my property on the MLS?

No! We have a network of buyers that want to buy RV Parks. This allows us to provide you with a fair offer and close in a reasonable time frame so you don't have to wait for months upon months to sell your unwanted land.

Why shouldn't I just sell it myself?

You certainly could, but why haven't you done so already? RV Park businesses can be difficult to sell because the demand is often limited and it take months or even years to sell on your own. Banks also don't typically lend money for RV Parks so you would have to find a cash buyer to sell your property to or accept owner financing which means you would only get a small amount of money on a monthly basis.

How much will I receive for my property?

That will depend on many factors which is why we perform extensive research prior to making an offer. Some of the factors that influence the offers you might recieve include park size, number of acres, number of spaces, occupancy rates, proximity to tourist destinations, number of full or part time guests, assessed value, and local real estate market conditions. Once we have thoroughly researched all of these items, we will present you with an analysis.

What if my title isn't clear, has liens, or other named owners?

We have experience helping business owners with all types of properties with numerous title issues. From probate and IRS liens, to heirship issues and foreclosure liens. We have a network of professional title agents and attorneys that can find a solution for almost any title issue and we provide the necessary resources to fix title issues when necessary.

What if I owe taxes?

The important thing to know is that you do not have to pay any money out of pocket to sell your RV Park. Typically, any arrears owed for taxes or dues will be negotiated as part of your offer and are paid with the proceeds of the sale at closing.

What if I don't have my original deed?

That is not a problem either as we have title agents that will acquire most all of the records needed for closing from the county directly (provided they were recorded correctly).


PLEASE NOTE: You are not required to complete every field, only the one's that are marked (*Required). However, the more more information you can give us, the more
comprehensive of a report we can provide to you. And remember,

it’s absolutely free.

100% Safe, secure and confidential, your information will never be shared with anyone.

(210) 529-7929

8127 Mesa Drive #206-53, Austin TX 78759

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